Friday, May 14, 2010

Eyebrow waxing/plucking?

im 16 and my eyebrows look really bad they have no shape. i pluck to confine them but they just look horrible. if i get them waxed once does that mean i have to continue to get them waxed? or can i get them waxed just once to get the shape and then pluck? HELP please!!!Eyebrow waxing/plucking?
yeah you can get them waxed once to get the shape and then pluck them. but then when you pluck, you have to keep up with it so you don't lose the shape. and also when you get them waxed, go with your mom and make sure you are clear with the lady on the shape you want because you don't want them to wax of too much. good luck :)Eyebrow waxing/plucking?
of course not, thats what i did. i had to grow out my eyebrows to get them waxed, she gave them a great now i just pluck them to keep the shape. but keep up with the plucking or your shape can change when it grows back. And never over pluck and try not to use a magnify mirror, it can make it worse. so I recommend you have a professional do your eyebrows first to set a 'blueprint', then all you have to do is pluck where the hairs grow in.
You can just get them waxed for the shape and than clean them up in between by plucking, personally I get my eyebrows threaded. But eventually you have to be careful not to pluck so much you loose the shape... GOOD LUCK!!
you can get them waxed once so they can help then you continue to pluck. But maybe let them grow in alittle so they have more to work with..
Go for threading ..the easier way to solve your problem ...

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