Monday, January 18, 2010

How to Hide eyebrow waxing?

So I have an appointment at 10am tomorrow to get my eyebrows waxed

but later at 3ish I have plans with friends.

is there anyway I can make it not so obvious that I got my eyebrows waxed...I mean the giant blobs of rednessHow to Hide eyebrow waxing?
I get my eyebrows waxed pretty frequently and it only makes my skin faintly pink. If you're shaping beneath them it really just looks like eyeshadow. If you're waxing between just use a tinted powder.How to Hide eyebrow waxing?
it doesnt take that long for the swelling to go down. when you get home ice your eyebrows (well, where its red, ) and then before you go out just put concealer on.
take neosporin ointment with you and rub it all over your eyebrows as soon as they wax. it really works.
use green concealer, it helps hide redness
hmm try concealer?
put on lotion before

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