Thursday, January 14, 2010

How Can I Be Less Sensitive With Eyebrow Waxing?

I have such a low pain threshold, that I can't even get my eyebrows waxed without being a baby. I'm always careful not to wax right before/after my period. Yet, every time (which is only around 3-4 times a year because it hurts so damn bad) I look like a fool on the waxing table, twitching, furrowing my brows, and digging my nails into my hand (seems to help a little). I know I must be hilarious to watch. I'm fighting back tears during the wax. I know I look like a total spaz, and it's frustrating the estheticians because they always scold me. I tried threading, and it was even worse. I don't even want to imagine what leg waxing or bikini waxing (or god forbid, brazilian) is like. I don't want to shave my brows, depilatory creams can't be used, and tweezing hurts like a mofo. So, how can I remedy this? I don't want to look like some hairy monkey.How Can I Be Less Sensitive With Eyebrow Waxing?
Pick the lesser of two evils.

Plucking or waxing?How Can I Be Less Sensitive With Eyebrow Waxing?
When I wanted to get a wax it wasn't what i expected but after the first waxing it gets better.
try laser hair removal or cream diplicatory.
pick ur poison
Apply a pain reliever (gel or lotion) with lidocaine prior to getting waxed (anywhere). Also try taking a motrin or tylenol before. But nothing short of a local anesthetic is going to completely take the pain away. I don't know about other parts of the body as I've never gotten them waxed, but as for eyebrows- the more often you get them waxed, the less the process will hurt. Anyway, I think waxing is much better than plucking! I let someone else who knows what they're doing wax my brows.
Before you go to get it done put a lot of Neosporn for 10mins. before and you would not fell so much pain and it won't get red....
the best brow waxing i ever had the guy put ice and pressure on redness and no was i make sure everyone does it. try taking some motrin an hour before hand if you aren't allergic to it.
This is what i do, when i go before waxing and its works perfectly for me..... what u can do is take a pain tablet an hr before u go to wax, where ever it maybe. Tell the peron who is waxing that ure extremely sensitive and if they cud put a cold compress before they wax, it helps a lot.. i do that when i wax... and it also depends on the way the person waxes too.. have u tried any other salon, to see if ure reaction is the same??
I've seen some stuff at Sallys for waxing that you put on for pain. I don't know if it works. I've never tried it. You just rub it on. You might also try that stuff you use for tooth pain Oragel. It will numb the area for a short time. My eyes tear up when I get them waxed too but it's a friend who does my so she just makes fun of me and laughs so no biggie.
put ice on the area before . it numbs the nerves and it won't hurt as much

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